The Journey of Indie Voyage and Indie Publishing

This week on the cast, co-founder of Indie Voyage Rob Leach joined me to talk about what it’s like to be an up and coming indie publisher and the state of the market.

Indie Voyage

We started with Rob’s background in the Game Industry and what Indie Voyage is all about. We’ve already done developer live plays with both Venture Forth and Zavix Tower, but this cast occurred before that. Considering Rob’s background, we talked about how the market has changed since he started working in the Game Industry.

We then moved on to talking about Rob’s role at Indie Voyage and what it’s like to be an Indie Publisher. We talked about the state of being an Indie developer and the challenges and hardships of the market today. That also included a talk about kickstarter and crowdfunding. We ended with more tips about being able to sell yourself and your game given the current market.

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