Remember how in my last post I said one of the few advantages of not working; well it’s time to talk about the biggest negative, no money. This makes things worse when we’re in one of the better video game seasons I’ve seen in a while. Every damn week another game that I want to buy is release making my heart ache all the more.
I just watched the 5 minute trailer for Left 4 Dead, and after it now I want to buy the game. Then my excitement turned into sadness as I realized that I don’t have the money for a $50 game right now. So I can now add that to the ever growing list of games I want to buy but can’t afford: Little Big Planet (So I don’t own a PS3 that doesn’t mean I can’t want it), Fable 2, Banjo Kazooie, Castlevania OoE. The only reason I ordered Saints Row 2 was that it was on sale and I would be spending $20 for it thanks to a gift card I had.
Which leads me to one of two options, I either save my money and hope for a job, then go on a major shopping spree giving me one of the biggest game backlogs I’ve ever had. Or blow the rest of my money now and await bankruptcy, at least I’ll be happy and broke. So in a rational train of thought, I blame the game industry, why the hell do you have to release so many games in a short period of time? Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go watch the L4D trailer again and sigh some more.