Tips For Improving Your Game Setup

There’s nothing quite like gaming to pass the time and it’s a great hobby to get stuck into. If you love playing games, you’re going to want to do it properly. By having a proper set up you can make the most of your experience and really enjoy the time you play. If you’re having to cram into a corner and can’t find your games or see what you’re doing, not only is it not so comfortable, but things might get lost or broken. You also will have a better chance of success with your games if you have a winning setup. Once you’ve sorted your COD MW3 accounts and got the games you want to play, you just need the best spot to play them in. This can make all the difference in how you perform and what success you have in your game as well. In this article we take a look at how to up your gaming setup for the best experience. 

Invest in a good gaming PC or console

The first thing you really need to enhance your gaming experience at home is a good PC or console. This is the foundation of your games and can make a real difference in how you play. A good PC or console will be able to play the newest games and handle the top settings too. Without this, you might have to downgrade the settings of your game so the quality isn’t as good as what it’s meant to be, or it could be slow and laggy. Do your research and find the best sort of console for the gaming you’re looking to do.

Have a good monitor to play on 

You could have the best PC or console ever, but if your monitor isn’t up to scratch, there really isn’t much point. By having a good monitor that has a high refresh rate and low response time, you can experience much faster play speeds, better graphics and make the most of the console itself. You’ll want a monitor with a good enough size screen that you can play without having to squint and it’s a good idea to factor in your room size and where you’ll be sat when playing. If you’ve got a PC you’ll likely be sat right in front of it so the screen doesn’t need to be too big. If you’ve got a monitor with a games console on the other hand, you’ll probably want something bigger that can go up on the wall and be seen from further away. 

Upgrade your graphics card

If you’re using a PC, you’re going to want to have a high quality graphics card. When you have games to play, they need to look as good as possible otherwise it’s not reaching its full potential. A graphics card will significantly improve the graphics of your game and the performance of the game. This can lead to a much more fun experience with the games you play seeming more realistic. A powerful graphics card can offer overall system performance increases, better gaming, the ability to run on multiple monitors, better driver support and more features.

Have a fast internet connection

The internet connection you play with can be the difference between breezing through your game and experiencing lagging. If you find your game is unstable, you might want to find a connection that’s high speed and designed for the bandwidth you need. You could choose to upgrade your existing plan if that’s an option, or invest in a dedicated gaming router to reduce the latency of your game. When speaking to your internet provider let them know what you use the internet for and the capabilities you need your WiFi to have. 

Make it a good space to play in 

The space you actually play in can have a real impact on the way you game. You want it to be relaxing and cosy and somewhere you enjoy spending time. You don’t want it to be too bright as this can cause glare on your screen and make it difficult to play. You’re also going to want somewhere with plenty of electrical plug points and that’s a good distance to your wireless router. These are all things you need to consider, whether you have a dedicated gaming room, a spot in your living room or a place in your bedroom where you play. Think of the decor too – darker colours tend to work really well for a gaming space!

Customize your lighting

When finalizing your gaming setup, don’t forget to add in ambient lighting. This can create a more immersive environment and can have a great impact on how well you play your game. You’re not going to want to have the big light on when you play, instead get some LED strip lights for behind your desk or your monitor that adjust to the game you’re playing. These are relatively inexpensive but can make a huge difference. 

Have a comfortable chair to play in 

The chair and desk you have for your gaming setup are equally as important as the gaming equipment itself. If you’re going to be sitting somewhere for hours on end you need it to be comfortable and that won’t hurt your neck or back. Find an ergonomic chair that will offer good support and a desk that aligns with the way you sit. You could also get a foot and wrist support that can help if you play for long periods at a time.

These are all some great ways that you can upgrade your gaming experience. By making the best setup you can, you’ll have a more immersive and fun time. You can also make it more social by asking friends over to play or playing virtually with them through your headset. Whether you enjoy games such as Call of Duty, VR games or racing games, there are many things to get involved in. Remember your gaming setup is totally personal to you and what you enjoy.