Killing (and resurrecting) two birds with one stone.

Role-playing survival game is willing to take risks

For this entry I’m going to see how well I can post drawings for my Frankenstein board game idea onto my blog. I must warn you that any images shown may be too disturbing for some, not because of violence, sex, or gore, but because I’m a horrible drawer. Also I can explain some of the mechanics better using images then without. For my first pic, this is what I call the “journal page” which the Victor player will see before the game begins:

On the right side are the cards available to the player for that part, the computer will roll from one to six to determine how many different versions of that part are available. The upper left hand portion is flavor text describing the part, which I tried my best to emulate a mad genius bringing the dead back to life. The bottom left text is the actual stats of the organ along with any unique strengths or weaknesses associated with it. Clicking on a card on the right side will change the text. Along the bottom of the screen are the current stats of the monster which are based on the parts the player has selected already. The (X) value represents the number of die the stat will give the monster for that roll. The score value is the pool of points Victor has when the game begins.

This next screen is the summary page once all the parts have been picked. Clicking on a part on the left page will take the player back to the part selection page to pick again. All stats and traits are listed on the right along with the highest possible score Victor can achieve for the round. Looking at these pages makes me realize just how horrible of an artist I really am and that I should be banned from the art department.

Now with that said, I’m going to try to work on getting the interface screens that each player will use for the game up next. Unfortunately don’t expect much in improvements of the drawings, as this blog does not have a designated artist 🙂


P.S. Try to image these pages with moody violin music and a torn old page like look to them to make them more bearable to look at.

P.P.S. And yes the mushroom on the bottom of the screen is the brain.