7 Great Hobbies for Gamers to Try That They’ll Love

Gaming is one of the most popular hobbies on the planet, and it’s easy to see why. It helps you relax and even escape real-life for a while. Add in all of the experiences you can have through it, and there’s no reason not to try it. That doesn’t mean it’s the only option to go for.

There are plenty of great hobbies for gamers to try. Many of these are directly related to video games and could offer a better experience than many people think.

Others can even help you use the skills you’ve developed playing video games and expand on them further. Add in how enjoyable they are, and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t consider them. It’s just a matter of knowing which ones are right for you.

Some of these could stand out more than others because of how much fun they are. Seven of these could be more than worth trying.

Playing Cards

Playing cards have been around for centuries, and there’s a reason why they’re still popular today. You can play countless games with them, and keep yourself entertained for hours, even if you’re playing by yourself. Some video games even have related card games you can spend some time playing.

Even if you’re going for more traditional cards, you can still have a great time playing them. If you like playing with them, it’s worth going for options that actually look and feel nice. Foil printed playing cards can be a great option for this. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy them.

Creative Writing

Creative writing is one of the more interesting hobbies to go for, even for gamers. It lets you flex your creative muscles and create stories that you’ll enjoy writing. More than a few people could even enjoy writing the short stories or books that you end up writing. It just takes a decent bit of effort.

You might even be able to break into the video game industry with this as a video game writer. Starting off with this doesn’t even need to be too complicated. There are plenty of online resources that help with this, so starting off will be relatively easy.


Streaming is one of the more common hobbies for gamers to try, as it lets them play video games in front of a crowd. When you’re great at a specific game, there’s no reason not to give this a go. You could end up creating a sizable community based around your streams.

You can pick from several platforms to stream your games on, with Twitch being the most popular. By putting a decent bit of time and effort into this, you could even start making some money with this. It’s always worth considering giving this a go at some point.

Watching Anime

Video games and anime often go hand-in-hand, especially considering how many anime-inspired video games there are out there. Quite a few video games have even inspired some anime themselves. These can be a great way to get into anime as a hobby, and you’ll have no problem enjoying them.

Some of the most popular anime out there have been around for decades and have been enjoyed by millions of people during that time. You don’t even need to look too far to find a few of them that you’ll like. There’s no reason not to give them a go.


Video games comprise quite a few features, with code being one of the more notable. It’s what makes sure the game actually runs the way it’s supposed. That’s why coding can be one of the more interesting hobbies to go for. It helps you figure out how to make a video game.

Learning this can be a lot more interesting than you’d think, and there are plenty of coding languages you can try. You don’t even need to focus just on video game coding with this, as you can use it in more than a few areas.


Another one of the more common hobbies for gamers is cosplaying. It’s easy to see why this is so popular, as it lets you dress up as some of your favorite video game characters. Being able to pretend you’re Master Chief, Link, or any other character can be a lot of fun in itself.

Then there’s the ability to create your cosplay costumes yourself. While this takes a decent bit of time and effort, you could end up having a lot more fun with it than you would’ve thought. If you have a few DIY skills, it can be well worth it.

Learning History & Culture

Countless video games use history and culture as the basis for their story and overall world. More than a few people have memories of loving these kinds of games, and they’ve even been interested in the overall lore in the games. It could be worth leaning into that with your hobby.

Learning more about history and culture can be a great hobby for this. Real life history and culture can often be more interesting than what you’ll find in most games. There’s a lot to learn, and you can even focus on specific cultures when you’re doing this.

With how enjoyable and relaxing gaming is, it’s easy to see why so many people play them on a daily basis. It’s one of the most popular hobbies on the planet. That doesn’t mean it’s the only one you’ll enjoy, though.

There are plenty of hobbies for gamers out there, and many of them could be a lot more fun than you’d think. It’s just a matter of giving them a go.

That doesn’t mean all of them are worth considering. Some could be much more appealing than others, as they’ll offer a lot more fun. They could even help you relax quite a bit. There are plenty of options out there, and you shouldn’t have a problem enjoying some of them,

What’s stopping you from starting a new hobby you’ll love?