The Best Games to Play on an Ultrawide Monitor

Ultrawide monitors are usually seen as a better fit for productivity because of their 21:9 aspect ratios. This aspect ratio allows you to open multiple windows side by side without them becoming too narrow. Ultrawide monitors can be great for gaming too, especially if the game developer has optimized their games for this aspect ratio. These monitors also make for a more immersive gaming experience. We will be looking at some PC games that look and play great on ultrawide monitors, paying particular attention to those that support this aspect ratio natively.

Kick-off: Rocket League

Rocket League takes the game of soccer as we know it and combines it with flying cars. Instead of having the regular players you would see in a soccer game, Rocket League uses cars as the players.

Because of the nature of the game’s physics, players are always scanning the playing area trying to get the ball as well as see when their teammates and opponents are. By giving you a larger peripheral field of view, an ultrawide gaming monitor can give you a massive advantage.

Rocket League also gives you a lot of camera settings and positions so you can gain an even bigger advantage when using an ultrawide monitor. 

No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky is a beautiful game where players can enjoy the view of the planet they play on or admire the starry skies and landscapes as they play the game. Because players have to collect resources, an ultrawide monitor comes in handy so players don’t miss anything.

There is a lot to see when playing No Man’s Sky and the developers did a great job of ensuring you see it all when you play on a wide monitor.

Hitman 3

Hitman as a franchise has never had any issues giving players as wide a view as possible. Hitman 3 comes with native ultrawide support so players can see even more of the environment they are in. 

The wider field of view makes it easier to complete contracts and missions while also giving players and their characters the situational awareness required for stealthy gameplay.

The graphics are also great and do not seem stretched as you would see in similar games when played in this aspect ratio.

Microsoft Flight Simulator

Microsoft Flight Simulator is arguably the best flight simulator game released, ever. It offers stunning views and detailed graphics wherever you choose to take your adventures. Its one downside is that it requires high-end PC parts to run but, if you can manage it, you get an unrivaled gaming experience on ultrawide monitors.

The ultrawide aspect ratio allows players to see the whole cockpit when flying, making the experience even more immersive. Those who do not want to play using the cockpit view can still get to see the whole area up to the horizon across their screens.

Although most developers support common aspect ratios, there are lots of game developers whose games do not support ultrawide aspect ratios. Games that support an ultrawide aspect ratio look stunning and make for a more immersive gaming experience.