Five Reasons to Stop Playing Bad Games That You Don’t Like

We’ve all bought a bad game before. Perhaps you got something on the Steam sale and it wasn’t really that good, or maybe you really disagree with some high ratings that people gave a game. After all, gaming tastes are subjective, so what you like might be something that other people really can’t stand.

But when it comes down to it, there are certainly some games that are objectively bad! The types of games that have been abandoned by their developers, or are just simple asset flips with zero creativity. There are some games that don’t even get released and are abandoned as soon as they’re fully funded. But despite that, you can often still play these bad games and, to some extent, they can still be kind of fun.

But what if we told you that you don’t need to subject yourself to bad games? What if we said that your buyer’s remorse doesn’t need to stay around? Let’s take a look at five reasons why we should all just stop playing bad games that we don’t like.


1. Gaming is for fun, so play what you enjoy

Gaming is ultimately for fun and enjoyment. Sure, there are some games that will ultimately not be fun from time to time, especially if it’s something like a competitive FPS or team game where you often feel hopeless. Games like this can be a mix of good and bad times, but if the bad outweighs the good, then you shouldn’t feel obliged to stay for the good times.

If you’re not having fun with certain games or they’re just not doing it for you anymore, then feel free to find something new and more enjoyable. Remember that you’re playing for fun, not to prove something!

2. Don’t support developers that don’t care about their game

If you continue to play a game, it shows support to the developers. This is fine for an early access game or demo that hasn’t turned out great because they still have time to fix things. However, if you buy a game that has clearly been abandoned, or the developers rarely post updates for, then it’s pretty clear they don’t care.

And if that’s the case, why should you support them? Stop giving them your money and send a message that if they don’t fix their game, you’ll stop funding them.

3. If you stop playing it, you might be entitled to a refund

If you purchase a game on Steam, you’re actually entitled to a refund if you spend less than two hours playing it. Whether it’s a really short and disappointing horror game or a buggy mess of a multiplayer game, you can refund these games and get the full payment back very easily by talking with Steam’s support staff.

So the next time you sense a game is really bad from the beginning, stop playing immediately and see if you’re entitled to a refund instead!

4. There’s little to no satisfaction from playing a game you dislike

There are so many different kinds of games that you can play and enjoy. From indie games under $5 to triple-A experiences at $60, there are plenty of titles out there that will give you satisfaction and fulfillment.

But a bad game won’t! No matter how much time you spend on a game you don’t enjoy, you probably won’t squeeze much fun out of it. Sure, you might hear people say that it gets better after 5 hours or a week or something, but the reality is that if you’re not having fun with the game, you can just shelve it and play something else that you actually enjoy so you don’t feel like you’re wasting your time!

5. Time is precious and you can spend it on something more meaningful

People sometimes say that gaming itself is a waste of time, but this is just so wrong! Gaming is a hobby and pastime, something we do for enjoyment. So why should we feel like it’s a waste of time? We get to enjoy ourselves, hang out with online friends, or even enjoy multiplayer games locally. It’s a great use of time as long as we’re having fun.

And that’s why you should treat yourself better! Don’t play bad games that you don’t enjoy. Spend that time playing something else more fun with your friends and family members, or even go back and revisit an old game you loved. It’s a much better use of your time than playing something bad that you hate!