The Most Popular Student Games

Computer games have been immensely popular among students since their invention. The times might have changed, but the love is still deep. Moreover, modern computer games have only gotten better, more versatile, dynamic, and, of course, advanced in graphic design and technological aspects. These days, more people than ever play video games as their pastime or even try to turn their love for gaming into a career. However, not all games are equally loved or received in the gaming community. Sure enough, some of the games get more credit and global appreciation than others. So, let’s learn what the most popular games among students are. See how many of them you’ve played already! 


Let’s start with what has already become a classical gaming choice for students. Of course, we speak of Minecraft here. It’s more than a game at this point. It is the whole universe. Players come here to create their own worlds, practice creativity and build skills. You can have a piece of your own creation, completely unique buildings and cities, or copies of places you’ve built here. In fact, you can even recreate an entire universe based on what we already know about it.

Overall, Minecraft is a popular choice among young students and those who can’t let this game go. Plus, there is a special educational edition of the game. There, students can learn the laws of physics by practicing them online or even attending virtual classes. Among all computer games, Minecraft stands out as the most appreciated game for children and students. 

Call of Duty

It’s hard to pick just one Call of Duty game, considering its variety and diversity. Sure, some games have been more popular than others. A few have disappointed long-term fans when recent series, like Modern Warfare or Black Cops, enjoyed overwhelming success. Plus, it’s easy to see the reasons behind such a warm game reception.

First, many students have played CoD for most of their lives. It’s more like a tradition now. Yet, the series is progressing rapidly with its mechanics, design, and additional gaming options. For example, the latest edition has a massive multiplayer option. So, up to a hundred gamers can share the experience of playing together online. Lastly, whatever edition of Call of Duty you choose, it all feels familiar and almost nostalgic, which is probably how the game attracts its old fans with each new release. 

Sims 4

Let’s be honest here. Sims has never stopped being insanely popular. Its fans have simply formed their own tight community and don’t interfere much with other gamers. It’s also easy to see why. There aren’t many games (if any) like the Sims. It first caused a sensation in the gaming community. First, it attracted a whole new category of gamers, which included younger players and a larger female audience. 

Second, it was one of the first simulators of such a kind. There you had no mission, no plots, no shooting or races. Just life. It was unique and refreshing. The lack of violence or dynamic missions was much appreciated by its players. Now, two decades later, Sims is still popular among many students. In fact, some have been playing with their families for generations and generations. It’s not the time to stop now!

GTA 5 

Speaking of the students’ favorites is impossible without GTA 5. It has always been one of a kind game. Violent, funny, unpredictable… and quite naughty overall. The GTA series has immediately become students’ go-to game after a long day at school. So, when the fifth release was finally available, many students did two things at once. They purchased the game and went to to order their upcoming assignments online. No one will have the time to write essays when there are 20+ hours of GTA 5 to play. 

Fortunately, the new release did not disappoint. Gamers had three main characters to play through the plot. All of them are bank robbers planning the next big thing. As always, you get to meet the city’s criminal world, explore its streets, and, of course, test numerous vehicles (including a helicopter) while taking different side missions. Plus, you may also get a bit nostalgic comparing the first releases to this newest version. So the game even gained sentimental value.

The Witcher 3

Who hasn’t played the Witcher yet? It’s one of those games that take the world by storm. It has everything a beginner or an experienced gamer needs. It’s an open world full of mythical creatures, positive forces, and sudden plot lines. Here you get to play the Witcher, a mighty warrior who chases beasts across the world. You get to explore this universe’s cities and wild nature while also engaging in fights and taking on numerous missions. It’s a game worth the time (50+ hours), that’s for sure. 

Though, remember that you better read some of the reviews at Sitejabber before entering the game. You may not even notice spending hours in this universe while deadlines are approaching. So, find a professional writer to help you with assignments. However, not all games are equally loved or received in the gaming community. Sure enough, some of the games get more credit and global appreciation than others, according to gaming reviews.