If you are sick of losing out to others on the scoreboard, or if you feel as though it doesn’t matter what you do because you always come last then now is the time for you to make a change. If you don’t make a change now then you may end up becoming demotivated, when there could be a really simple solution.
Know your Competition
One way for you to become a better gamer would be for you to choose your competition wisely. Take Michael Jordan for example, he is most remembered by his fans because he was able to overcome a huge range of NBA teams in the playoffs. He fell short of this during his early career, but he put in the work and he went back to learn what he did wrong. He ended up winning six championships. You can apply this ideology to your own gaming experience. If you go up against skilled opponents then this will encourage you to think faster and to be more reactive overall. If you only ever go up against people who are worse than you then you may struggle to reach the heights that you are capable of.
Choose the Right Gear
Having the right gear is so important. Connecting to the internet gives you the chance to play alongside gamers from all across the world. With that being said, you do need to make sure that you aren’t putting yourself at a disadvantage. One way for you to do this would be for you to have a solid keyboard and mouse. Make sure your internet is not holding you back either.r If you suspect that your ss is then you may need to swap for a faster connection. Fiber optic is very popular right now and it could be just what you need to step up during those crucial moments.
Focus on the Right Games
If you have never been very good at first-person shooters then you are probably never going to be winning Fortnite championships. If you have a very strategic way of thinking however then you may be better at games such as chess or Freecell. The great thing about investing in games such as this is that you can still go up against others, but in a gaming format that is much more suited to you and your playing style.
Create a Schedule
Although you do want to game in your free time, if this is enjoyable for you, you do need to make sure that you don’t game too casually. If you do then you may find that you simply don’t invest enough time into getting better, and this can have a huge impact on your gaming performance. Try to schedule gaming sessions of half an hour or so. If you can do this regularly then you will be able to improve your muscle memory and this can work to your advantage quite a lot. This is especially the case if you love to play FPS games, as muscle memory is everything.