Top 5 Star Trek Games of All Time

The popularity of the Star Trek universe was never in doubt. Based on revenue estimates by the Guinness World Records, it is the most successful sci-fi brand originating on TV, being worth around $10.7 billion. It started all the way back in 1966 and includes TV series, animated series, movies, TV shorts, and games. The slot game for Star Trek: The Next Generation can only be found at BetMGM, online casinos are very interested in having exclusive rights to such a franchise.

Today, we are going to take a look at the top 5 best Star Trek games ever released, starting with…

5. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova

The animated series Star Trek Prodigy got its own tie-in video game in late 2022 after a successful first season on Paramount+ in late 2021 and early 2022. 

This game offers an abundance of top-down action and adventure, as well as realistic puzzles and a co-op option that would be ideal for Trekkie parents attempting to introduce their kids to the cosmos. Star Trek Prodigy: Supernova has almost all of the fun of the original series and doesn’t make many mistakes in an era when tie-in games are uncommon and often poorly made.

4. Star Trek: Invasion

The year 2000 brought us Star Trek: Invasion for the original PlayStation, a rather good-looking space combat shooter. The fact that it deviated a little too far from the franchise’s core may have contributed to its lack of recognition at the time, but the classic thrills and high quality remain.

The music was a little off-key and didn’t seem like a Star Trek soundtrack, and a lot of the ships in the game weren’t canonically correct. Nevertheless, Invasion delivered a Star Trek experience unmatched by anything that had gone before it and hit important notes with everything else.

3. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen

Going back to the unconventional games of the early 2000s, we have Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – The Fallen, a very simple but unexpected third-person shooter that effectively used the Unreal Engine and sometimes allowed itself to be unsettling and frightening.

Gamers have the option to assume the roles of Lt. Commander Worf, Major Kira Nerys, or Captain Benjamin Sisko for the duration of the game. The addition of devices and communication mechanisms, which interject between scenes and provide a more authentic Star Trek vibe than other of the reskins we’ve seen, was another excellent touch.

2. Star Trek: Starfleet Command III

The third game in the Starfleet Command series, which had a relatively good run, is still the greatest real-time strategy and space sim game in the Star Trek canon. It has engaging RPG aspects, RTS tactics, and fantastic story-driven objectives that are divided among three sides (the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire), yet it never seems confusing or too complex. Additionally, a Borg Collective campaign that had nothing to do with the main plot was introduced to the game as downloadable content. It also makes a fantastic addition to a complete rewatch of The Next Generation, DS9, and Voyager.

1. Star Trek Online

An MMORPG is seldom the finest game in a series, but Cryptic Studios’ unwavering dedication to Star Trek Online has paid dividends for almost 10 years. Similar to many other massively multiplayer online games, it began with a monthly subscription and a game purchase requirement before switching to a free-to-play model with premium access to more content.

Star Trek Online, even without a purchase, continues to grow in major ways and provides action that is both on foot and aboard a spaceship, flawlessly capturing the style of the IP with narrative missions and PvP fights that are surprisingly well-suited to the MMO format.