Game-Wisdom’s Best of 2015 — #2

For #2, this is one of those games that is just too important not to rate highly.

 Best of 2015

#2: Super Mario Maker:

Super Mario Maker is one of those games that I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen in some capacity from Nintendo over the years, but I’m glad that we have it now. The ability to actually create level design without the need of programming is amazing. Credit has to go to the team behind Super Mario Maker for creating something very powerful, yet built around a visual interface to make it easy to learn.

For would be game designers, students and enthusiasts out there, Super Mario Maker is a definite must play to see just how difficult it is to create amazing level designs. There really isn’t much more I can say about it, as it is more of an editor rather than an actual game on this list.

Still, having access to something powerful and easy to use is great for people interested in learning game design. As far as important games to come out, Super Mario Maker ranks high as one of the best games of the year, but my #1 pick is a game that I spent a lot of time with this year and turned into one of my favorite games.

With that said, #1 should be a given for those of you who have been paying attention to the YouTube and Twitch channels last year.

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