Solium Infernum part 4: King for a day.

Role-playing survival game is willing to take risks

Bad news on my infernal campaign turns out having a communal place to buy equipment means that someone can buy something you want. One of the relics that I was eying, which would increase my order limit was snatched up in the previous turn. I think my minions secretly hate me for some reason as my tribute rolls each turn are not giving me the darkness or hell fire I need. I would like to say that the game is cheating but I asked Vic Davis (creator of the game) about this on the Quarter To Three forums and it turns out that my dice rolls just suck. First off here is a partial look at hell on turn 5:

My plan is still on, get my borders up and then start consolidating my power. As you can see the tree PoP is mine from the previous entry. The Ai above and below me both have two legions to my one, but I’m not worried. As I mentioned with my higher rank my one guy can handle them for now. I’m also shopping around for a praetor or two, one to buff my legion and two to have someone for single combat. The point of this entry is to talk about turn order and being #1 for a turn.

At the start of every turn one of the players is made regent which gives them several advantages. First if the regent and another player make the same bid on something at the bazaar the regent will win regardless of the rank between the two. Next the regent receives an event card which is a powerful card that can be played with too many to list here. On this turn is my first time being regent and here is the event card I got and the reason for my interest in praetors:

The other and more subtle advantage of being regent is that it affects the turn order. In SI after everyone picks the orders they want to make in a turn the game will go in clockwise order from the regent carrying those orders out. One important detail, the lower the # of the order slot you put an order in the quicker it will be carried out. After the order in slot 1 is carried out for everyone the next highest order is done from the regent and so on until every order is complete for that turn. Here is the diplomacy screen which also doubles as a way of viewing the turn order:

As you can see I’m at the top of the screen, the little icon on my picture is the regent icon. The # above my picture is my prestige, to the left is the adjust threat selector. What this does is I rank the other AI in terms of who I see as the biggest threat, whomever I have on the top of my list, performing actions against that player will cost fewer resources. To put the whole turn order system in perspective, let’s say I’m currently waging war against Mammon who is to my right. Since I’m the regent if I use my first order to attack one of his legions there is nothing he can do to stop me, now if I made it order 2 then there is a chance that he would move his legion during the round of orders effectively avoiding my fight.

Up next with my borders secure it’s time to talk diplomacy.


PS: There was a small problem with uploading the first pic but that should not happen again.