Dissecting Design Hotline Miami

This week’s Dissecting Design takes us to the stylized and brutal world of Hotline Miami.


I talked about how they grew things with Hotline Miami 2, and in some cases, not for the better.

Please note that the game features very graphic imagery compared to other dissecting designs in this playlist; making this one not the best to watch if there are kids around.

Table of contents:

0:00 — Intro

1:23 — Basic Gameplay

7:34 — Mask System

12:46 — Hotline Miami 2’s Growth and Controversy of Violence (Graphic Imagery Warning)

16:40 — Hotline Miami 2’s Gameplay Improvements

21:43 — Hotline Miami 2’s Gameplay problems

26:32 — Hotline Miami 2’s Gameplay at its Worse

37:13 — Final Thoughts (Sorry about my fan being picked up a lot during this section)