Let it Die Proves why we don’t see F2P Rogue-Likes

Leave it to Grasshopper Manufacture to keep surprising us with strange games. The studio that brought us Killer 7, Killer is Dead and more, now has Let it Die: A F2P Rogue-like. Once again, the punk-inspired studio has a lot of surprises up their sleeves with something no one else has seen before. Unfortunately, playing the game makes you realize why that is.

Let it Die

Insert Quarter:

As with a Grasshopper Manufacture game, the story is certainly out there. You are playing the “arcade game” Let it Die, while being watched by Uncle Death. The game has you controlling human puppets to climb the Tower of Barbs to find a grand treasure.

The game oozes the style that we’ve seen from previous titles of Grasshopper. Expect to find a bunch of weird characters, crazy menu art, and of course the Punk soundtrack. Gameplay is a faster-paced take on the Souls experience. You have left and right hand attacks and stamina in the form of your heart rate. The game is not procedurally generated, but you can find random items and resources as you climb the tower. Entrances and exits tend to change on some maps, but the overall blueprint remains the same.

Let it Die

Let it Die is another stylish game from the studio

Weapons come in different types and all equipment has a durability factor. Weapons will do more damage and have added range, but you’ll have to rely on your fists when the time comes.

Every few floors will have an elevator that will let you return if you die, and is just one of the many forms of progression that Let it Die has.

Going Up:

As a rogue-like meant to be replayed, Let it Die has a lot of forms of persistence mechanics. Starting at the top layer, you can level up with each of the weapon types in the game. The killing blow on an enemy will grant experience with the chosen weapon. As you level up, you’ll be able to do more with that weapon type and unlock additional combo chains.

Your character itself can be leveled up with their core stats based on their class. Experience is tied to the character and there are different types of characters. This becomes very important with the death mechanic of the game, but more on that in a minute.

As you climb the tower, you’ll find blueprints that can unlock new items at the store, get decals to provide passive buffs and more.

The game’s persistence does a good job of giving you multiple areas to advance in beyond just progress. But like in all rogue-likes: You will die, and this is where Let it Die gets interesting.

Haters Gonna Hunt:

Beyond fighting the regular minions in the tower, the game throws some added challenge at you in the form of haters, and even yourself.

Let it Die

Combat is fast-paced, but sluggish due to the animations

When a character dies and you choose not to revive them (more on that next), they will become a reanimated corpse or “hater.” To get the body back, you must defeat them.

Because stat increases are character-specific, you’re going to need to do this to keep your investment. If you don’t want to fight them, you can spend in-game currency to revive them back at the start.

Characters can also invade other games as haters themselves or be sent to you specifically as hunters. Defeating these characters will earn you a second resource that will be used for researching new gear at the shop. You can also unlock the ability to invade other player’s hubs for even more shenanigans.

Life and Death are major elements of Let it Die as with any rogue-like, but it’s also where the F2P elements come in.

Death Insurance:

Death in Let it Die can happen very quickly. If you die, you can use death metals to revive yourself on the spot. If you don’t do it, you can use money to revive them or go fight them as already mentioned.

Death Metals are the premium currency of the game and can be found through certain quests or by spending real money. As a frame of reference, it costs $4.99 for 10 death metals. Besides buying things directly, the game comes complete with a special premium subscription. Using special tickets, you can buy 30 days of enhanced service.

Let it Die

Keep your best characters alive, or it’s going to take some time to get them back

This will give you free decals every day, speeds up research timers, increase inventory space and allow you to use the elevator shortcuts for free.

Rogue-likes by their nature can be tough to get into, and while there isn’t a price wall here, the frustration is quite high.

Pay to Rogue:

Let it Die can be frustrating to play, and this goes to insane heights when we throw in the F2P mechanics. Combat is very sluggish due to slow uninterruptible attack animations. Your weapons and attacks are built on a three-hit combo chain; get hit and you will be stuck taking an additional two or three hits.

While the enemies are susceptible to this as well, there’s one big caveat. Fighting multiple enemies at once is impossible in the game. Because getting hit locks you in the hurt animation, multiple enemies can effectively stun lock you to death. Stronger attacks can literally kill you in one three-hit combo if it causes you to get stunned.

In a game like Dark Souls, your attacks are wide enough to hit multiple enemies who get too close; that’s not the case here. Unless you’re carrying the right weapon or have an explosive weapon, you just can’t fight them. And when you die, it’s going to cost you to get back to where you were.

The maps are very basic in their design, and it becomes repetitive very fast to keep running through them. Like other rogue-likes, items and their appearance are locked to specific areas in the tower. It doesn’t take long for you to see everything in a single section, and then it’s you just going through it again and again. If the maps were randomly generated or had some more variety, this wouldn’t be an issue.

Let it Die

Boss fights can easily kill you; costing you premium currency

To make matters worse, it’s hard to shake the fact that a rogue-like is using a lot of the F2P “fun pain” mechanics to get you to spend money.

Fun Pain Frustration:

The use of premium currency and arbitrary limitations were designed to get you to spend money. Having a 30-day subscription service for a singleplayer rogue-like just seems wrong to me. At its launch, Let it Die did not have its full store features unlocked, but supposedly things will be available soon.

Those kinds of purchases are there right from the get-go and are a major turn-off. The purchases also put that thought into your head that the game was designed to be intentionally frustrating and cumbersome to drive people to spend premium currency or real money.

It’s very easy to enter a negative feedback loop of losing money and time in the game. If you don’t spend (or can’t spend) the money to revive your best character, then you have to fight them. Meaning, you need to spend time grinding with a weaker character to level them up, but then you run the chance of them being killed.

To make things even worse, the game doesn’t save your state or position like in Soulsborne. If you don’t quit the game from the hub area (or get disconnected from the server), your character will be marked as dying when you return. After a few hours in, you unlock the option to buy an item that lets you suspend your save, but it costs in-game currency to use.

Let P2W Die:

Let it Die is very frustrating to play. I can see an amazing game trying to get out with the great style and mechanics of building a group of fighters. However, the more I play the game, the more elements become frustrating and locked or stalled behind the pay walls.

This comes close to being one of the best mechanics-wise games from Grasshopper Manufacture, but I don’t see the fun pain mechanics being worth it to spend money on. Rogue-likes by their nature walk the line between frustrating and fair design; they don’t need F2P elements to tip the scales.

If you want to see more of Let it Die, you can watch some footage I streamed:

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  • Stoney Wasteland

    This sounds like a review by someone who sucks at video games, likes super easy hand-fed games, and refuses to take some time to get good at a game. Maybe you should hire real gamers to play, test, and write these articles, instead of these “gamers” who play Call of Duty’s campaign on easy and brag they’re MLG. Ironic that it’s called “Game Wisdom” when whoever wrote this is ignorant as well as just plain stupid.

    • I’m afraid you’re talking to someone who has beaten every Souls game solo. All the Devil May Crys, God Hand, and Ninja Gaiden Black. I have a lifetime membership to the hardcore gamer club.

      • Doctor Honor

        I’ve Beaten God Hand on Easy(Twice),Normal(6 times) and Hard(2 Hecking times).It took me 3-4 hours to beat it on Easy once,on Normal it took me almost twice as much.However,It took me 32 hours to beat it on Hard.I stuck on many bosses because i had to time my hits all while avoiding enemy hits.The necessary aspect to progress through hard game is dedication,and in Let It Die if you have dedication and try again many times,you will make progress without even buying anything.You just don’t/didn’t know the way yet.Also,I am actually planning to make some purchases just so I can help the developers,this is a great F2P game,not like the others.You can either purchase stuff to support the devs or get a slight advantage,but it’s not necessary,and its literally your choice.It affects the way YOU play the game.In other F2P games,P2W players were dominating Free players,meanwhile on Let It Die,you won’t be affected by the purchases of other players

      • Renzo Cartwright

        And yet you get beat by a free to play rogue like? The game is easy…you just suck

      • N Carter

        I can’t believe you are crying about this game being hard you dumb baby. Like Uncle Death says: Don’t be a pussy Senpai

    • Bizarre Jelly

      And your comment sounds like a comment by someone who sucks–MY DICK. Kill yourself faggot.

      • N Carter

        I love the irony of your post

        • You guys are both gay and that’s ew

  • Oldschool Vidya

    Someone needs a hanky.
    Seriously, the game isn’t hard at all. I’ve died like 3 times, and I’m on floor 35. I’ve not spent a dollar.
    Really, you’re just shit at this game, and buttmad that it doesn’t capitulate to your inability to git gud.

    • Kangaroo Caucus

      I died a bunch of times before I realized my strategy was all wrong. Now I am having tons of fun

    • Bizarre Jelly

      Git gud @ sucking my dick. Kys faggot.

  • Jordan Fry

    Judging by the games popularity I’d say it’s a pretty damn successful game. It’s only hard if you try to rush through it as there are plenty of tricks, items and weapons to deal with anything that comes your way but they can only take you so far if you don’t upgrade them or grab from other enemies from other floors.Aside from the fact than enemies can hit each-other (very useful when facing large groups which doesn’t happen that often to be honest There are plenty of weapons in this game that can hit multiple enemies (Some weapons have a nice 1 attack that goes in a horizontal arc.) I’d also like to point out that the levels do change as you repeat them, and the map changes randomly during the week. (Some floors open and some close as well.) Its a great free to play in the sense that it doesn’t push you to buy coins and you can easily play it with zero investment. I understand the grindy aspect of this game can be quite a hassle (Some people like myself really enjoy grinding for some reason, especially resource collection though there are shops you can go to to also purchase resources and blueprints for a few thousand killcoins.) You’re review is understandable however I feel like this game does the F2P rogue like formula pretty well, it’s not perfect (As Linda the Legend pointed out) But they’re updating frequently with more content and floors planned, and I feel like this game has potential to live a great life as it imrpoves itself, especially as a PS4 F2P as not many great ones are on that platform. Btw ignore all the negativity you’ll get from yoru review, it happens when people get offended when a game they like sin’t liked by someone else, but I also hope it shows you that this game isn’t as bad as your article points it out to be, cheers.

    • I hate to ask, but how far in have you played? Because like a lot of F2P games, the monetization and scaling problems aren’t immediately apparent. These issues really don’t make themselves known until around floor 15 and up. You mentioned that groups of enemies don’t appear all that often, except they do once you get into the later parts of the game.

      Even then, a single enemy can tear into you for massive damage, not including the haters that can invade and be loaded with the best gear at that point and several levels above your character. It is possible to go from full health to dead in one three hit combo if the enemy is wielding a strong enough weapon to cause dizziness.

      Into section 2, you will be put into forced fights with small to large groups of enemies in order to proceed. This is also when the punishment for failure begins to exceed your bank. A grade 3 character near full level, cost about 35k coins in order to be revived, and your initial bank is only at 40k. Even with an upgraded bank, the scale of acquiring more coins does not compensate for the increased cost of revival.

      Throw in less frequent elevator checkpoints, and it’s very easy to enter a negative feedback loop of trying to get your character back and going further and further down.

      • chib0t.twitchTV

        From doing raids in TDM I’ve got enough to upgrade my max coins to over 100k pretty early.

        That said, the retrieval cost of a dead character (Hater) is relative to the floor you died on, not your player lvl. This game is pretty good and deep, seems like you struggled and tapped out early imo. Game wisdom smh…

      • Taylor Balerud

        Floor 15?! That’s not even close to where the grind begins. We’ve gotten up to floor 23 with no problem, only really having a hard time for a moment with the second Jin-Die fight. Goto however, is the only real problem we have had, and only because we hadn’t found the red hot iron BP yet. Now that we have it upgraded we should be able to roll over Goto and win pretty easily. It’s all about knowing how the game works. Like I said, we are in the 220k mark for cap of gold and SPLithium. I don’t see why you say that the gold cap is an issue

        • Digger Nick

          GOTO has a very simple way to be defeated. you know when uncle death tells you to throw “some” mushrooms at him? during the first fight?

          he means it.

      • Ariel Delgado Jr.

        Man, if you’re at the point where you can buy Grade 3’s and your bank max is only 40k, you’re doing something VERY VERY wrong

      • Brandon Street

        I’m confused bc it seems to me you were trying to rush through this game just to write a review. You said you got stuck on floor 15 with maxed grade 3 equipment, which is impossible bc grade 3 crafting supplies, aka black metal isn’t available till post floor 20. And you didn’t take any time to upgrade your box bank or lithium bank or open new fighter slots, or look into expeditions, I have not spent a cent btw and am at floor 36 bank and lithium at 320000limit, 10 fighter slots. And doing 9fighters on expedition for an hour nets you 20-60k an hour, so kc an hr, doing nothing, so kc are easy to come by if you grind and stick to it. Can you rush through and beat this game really quick, no. Does it get hard at times, yes. But aren’t those the factors that make a good game? As for as death metals go, they are more of a convenience, and in no way are necessary to beat this game. If you do tdm, and join a big team like California they have a fight 2-3 times a week and win mostly all, if you win 5 fight raids in the 24hr fight you get 42k kc and splithium and 2 death metals. And honestly, most the death metals have obtained I’ve used to upgrade my storage box.

      • Digger Nick

        >a single enemy can tear you up
        upgrade your armor
        >why can’t i win the game with just one character?
        because you are supposed to have 10 characters (the freezer limit), some on base defense, some on expeditions, and one or two for playing, all of them should be fully equipped with gear from hitler-san in chokufunsha.

        no offense meant, but your review sounds like a huge temper tantrum that the game isn’t letting you win, and no, you’re not “hardcore” because you beat godhand on easy and because you beat dark souls games, dark souls games are really fun but they’re piss-easy if you play them long enough, they barely punish you at all for dying. brain-dead “streamers” like DSP can beat dark souls given enough time.

        also, the cost to “retrieve” your character is not based on your characters Rank, its based on which floor you die on. “retrieving” a character on floors above 31 costs above 200,000 killcoins regardless of their rank. but by then you should have learned how to play well enough for that not to happen.

  • WolfyMr

    Although, i would say some of your points are, indeed, true, i would say that, your review has some flaws in-between them.

    like, you said that one of the best fighters, if it dies, you have to either spend in-game currency to get it back or grind a new character to get it back, though yes, these are options, there is also the option to delete your best fighter and just create a new one, while, yes, most people wouldn’t think of doing this for their fighter because it would be a waste, i find it more useful than paying in-game currency to revive it back, heck, you could even get a second character you saved and grind for money to get your fighter back.

    Even though haters (including your character that died) can kill you in 3 to 4 hits, you can actually find other ways of fighting it if you have the right items or even take advantage of their spawn location, like, on the 1st floor, there is a room that there is a hater hidden behind some yellow electric things (i forgot what it’s named), if you can see the hater, you can make the screamer find you and it’ll make the hater agro the screamer, screamer down, now for the hater, there are areas behind the hater that you can walk around and be able to do a suplex, doing that stuns the enemy on the floor to be able to stomp it, this is a way of dealing with haters, plus, if they’re higher level, steal whatever they drop, they’ll make hater battles much easier.

    one of the images said that “Boss fights can easily kill you”, not really, they won’t kill you easily if you take advantage of their attack animation, for example, the 1st boss, Max, he does different attack animations related to your distance to him, i was able to lock him in a single attack animation the entire battle because of that.

    One thing that might annoy people when grinding though, would be the addition of high level haters on the early floors, what i mean is, from the 1st to 10th floor, all of the enemies goes from level 1 to 25, though, i would look and find haters over level 25 in these areas of the game, although, i was able to find ways to defeat those high level haters (suplexes and hater drops all the way baby!) this makes grinding for levels for low level characters like the collector a lot harder, because they don’t have a whole lot of high stats to go against them, luckily, they’re using Wars Assemble armor, which has a huge decrease in defense against slashing and blunt weapons.

    Overall, the game, the same way as Dark Souls is, it’s skill based, though, it’s skill based in the scene of inventory management and taking advantage of spawn locations and the enemy’s AI.

    (Im sorry if i made you angry, i want to share my opinion of your review)

  • Uldi

    Just want to point out that both the long-sword’s and two-handed weapon’s horizontal slash hit multiple enemies. IIRC, the horizontal for the sword is the first swing, while two-handers can be done using the off-hand trigger (if equipped in the right hand it’s the left trigger and vise versa).

  • Bryon Messina

    I’ve played the game for less than a week, yes, ONE WEEK and since the game was FREE i paid for the sub to help the devs, and bought the 5 $ 30 DM package they offer you once, so i spent 20$ on a game, which is still extremely cheap, not to mention the near 20 DM’s the game has given me for free, several weapons in this game though allow you to hit multiple enemies, and if you get cornered its a simple sollution. “rage attacks” are uninteruptable by enemies, you can tank any hit unless it would be fatal and hit through it, esspecially if its the pork chopper, or iron. and with my almost 50 DM’s your “paywall” doesnt exist, the only thing those medals did me was make me rage and beat u-10 on floor 32 after dying 42 times, because i was unprepared. not bc it was devised to make me spend money, i spent about 2 hours farming, after that and could handle him fine. the game is very fair, all-be it some of the user generated haters do WAY too much damage it is a fair game, and there is no need to spend any money, i beat every major boss in the game except u-10 easily, esspecially with the mushroom cheeze you can do to litterally every fight if you have the damage to kill it within about 5 minutes of it ignoring you. So in my opinion, you should’nt have made a post that would discourage players from playing this great game, yes it can be repetative, Extremely so at points, and it is hard. but you’ve made it out as just a BAD game because it is F2P, you’re just abd at the game and are blaming your lack of skill and lack of upgraded gear as a “paywall” which to anyone who reads this post pre playing the game, may make them decide to not play it. and as a person who is among the .1% who’s currently beaten it (corven_lovane) i can confidently tell you this isnt pay to win, paying money will do one thing, make it so you can speed up a timer for research (or you could wait 5 minutes) or keep yourself from spending around 200k KC at the top floor to get your character back (If you don’t have the gear to make it back to the waiting room, even with death medals, you will STILL have to pay the fee to bring your character back.) giving this game your money will not make you a god at this game, it will NOT really make you progress any faster, you will still need to grind to get your gear leveled up. So before you go and make a post about how unfair this game is and that is has restrictions that are almost impossible to pass without paying money, beat the game first, or do what everyone else does and watch youtube to find out mushrooms are overpowered as fuck and will carry you through everything.

    • Bizarre Jelly

      Nah you’re just a faggot fanboy. Kys plz.

  • Elliander Eldridge

    I have mixed feelings about the game. I actually do like the combat style, and the overall theme. I also really liked the fighter locker concept, of treating it like transferring bodies rather than entirely separate characters and the mastery levels make sense going with that concept.

    However, what I absolutely do not like is that the enemies on each floor are always stronger than you can possibly be to clear without dying several times. In one case I was tier 4, level 85, with maxed out gear, and a level 43 was able to one hit kill me. Incidentally, when you first get to that floor your level cap is tier 3 meaning it was even worse.

    Having level caps that are only lifted when you get to another floor, after already getting through the monsters that are level inappropriate to begin with, got really old really fast. and on the flip side, starting over with a level 1 always ended up being way too strong for the low level areas. There isn’t any level appropriate area at any point of the game. If it wasn’t F2P I’d suspect that the game needed some balancing, but being F2P means that they intentionally made it that way.

    Which, of course, still wouldn’t be so bad if you could always go fight your hater, but being able to recover your “hater” without paying is almost always BS. For example, I just now cleared the ENTIRE floor that it was on (Floor 23) and even re-killed the mid boss there and it wasn’t there, so I have to spend 66k to get it back since there is literally no other way. and yes, I checked it’s location in the locker.

    That’s just stupid.

    The Jackals also reinforce that. Whenever I take my time to be careful so I don’t die those Jackals come out of nowhere and kill me. Sure, there is an alert, but they arrive within moments after with no way to get away. I’m actually kinda glad they don’t let you use death medals for those since that would be extremely exploitive, but it’s obvious that their sole purpose is to create a condition where players rush through without being as careful as an ACTUAL rogue like game would be.

    In most rogue like games I rarely die because I take it slow, but they don’t want players doing that.

  • Martin J Rupert

    Okay the main thing that I’m upset about this review as you did not even mention in the article that you can by your character back with kill coins that are not microtransactions I mean just farming the first three levels with the right character can easily get you between 15 to 30 K Coins in barely any time at all so farming the 66000 coins I need to get my fighter back that died on 23 wont take all that much time to get back.

  • Edison Yi

    Agreed with Bryon Messina. The game has a similar combat system to the Soulsborne games, but it’s fundamentally different in how you approach boss fights. In Soulsborne you are expected to memorize attack patterns and block/roll correctly while returning damage, so armor and equipment are scaled to be adequate for the challenge of the battle. You are expected to take hits and ping damage on blocks (except in the glorious case where you are fighting a pure physical boss). On the other hand, LID very, very explicitly emphasizes that one of the core aspects of the game is abusing the POWER OF MUSHROOMS. You might not agree with it, but the game is balanced around players discovering what new mushrooms are available at the current location in the tower, and understanding how to push the mushroom buff system to its fullest, constantly upping their game with each new “overpowered” challenge thrown their way. That’s the reason that each major boss is covered by an elevator at most 1-2 floors away (with the exception of floor 34 COEN on certain days), so you’re not expected to run through an entire dungeon to pull off the cheese strat. As mentioned, nowhere does DM revives even factor in this–if you are using mushrooms correctly and can calculate buff times to cover yourself, you can (and should) clear every boss fight without taking damage. I apologize if this comes off as condescending, but I simply do not see where the paywall comes in.

  • Xpyder

    This game is NOT pay to win, pretty far from it in fact! The main thing holding this game back are the buggy quests and crappy balance in Player versus (asynchronous) Player battle

  • Digger Nick

    there is no paywall in let it die. you don’t buy “power”. all you buy is the commodity to revive AND/OR the savings of in-game currency with the elevator/invasion express pass. Even then, the game alone gives you plenty of death metals from quests and events. i used a fair share of them while learning the ropes, but mostly on storage expansions, gotta hold all those sick MATZ.

    i love this F2P model, its designed to milk money exclusively out of BAD PLAYERS who want instant gratification, while good experienced players who think ahead and prepare for the bosses get a jolly good time and can beat the game for free.

    Started playing 01/07, defeated Taro Gunkayama on 01/27, no death metals ever bought. Momoko BEST GIRL.

    here’s a protip for those bad players: BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF THE MUSHROOM.

  • Bryan

    I disagree. This is one of the best games I’ve played in a while, probably since Bloodborne. The fact that I got it for free is a huge bonus. I’ve been playing for about 3 weeks and I’ve only once payed anything and that was just $15. I’ll probably spend more because I don’t mine playing a f2p game that is genuinely entertaining because I want those studios to keep up the good work. I think it’s a great game, sorry you disagree.

  • Kangaroo Caucus

    Writing tip: try defining something once in the article before using abreviations. For example I read the whole article and still can not tell you what F2P is

    • John Smith

      Googling tip: Google abbreviations and terms you don’t know or try inference; guy kept mentioning “free to play” before using the “F2P” abbreviation

      • Kangaroo Caucus

        Why you need to comment on a year old post I am not sure but, any writer worth his salt knows to elaborate on an abbreviation upon first mention. Ie: free to play (f2p)

  • XPDump

    You’re out of your damn mind. You don’t need to spend a dime on this game. If you’re spending death metals to revive, you’re spending money to push through failure and setting yourself up for more failure.

    Even then, the central conceit in this game is you are in an arcade playing Let It Die on a Deathdrive 128 arcade machine, and you can pay for continues, and they cost fifty cents each. If there existed an arcade that let me play several weeks for the two or three times I’ve opted to do that, I would move in and live there, because that’s amazing.

    The real scam, if any, is giving you so many materials and such limited storage space. Almost all of my death metals have gone into expanding it: I got the 5.99 intro pack, and the event-specific 99 cent pack they put out. Considering Souls games come out for $60 I’m still way, way ahead. I wish Souls games let me pay to continue sometimes, the frustration factor has put me off of most of them. Let It Die is a happy middle ground.

  • Renzo Cartwright

    The game is not pay to win…whoever wrote this review is not a gamer and has no idea how to play a souls like game…attacks can be dodged even in a “chain” if you take the time to prepare and watch your stamina then the game is a blast to play…I suggest the OP start writing movie reviews and stay away from gaming

  • Edward Charles Dreuitt

    Playboy this review sounds like it was made by a prissy little B**** that’s used to playing tea party games with Barbie. From the sound of your description, you’re stuck with a 1🌟 character & your fist with low level weapons. Small wonder you think the game sucks, 1st weapon to give you over 3 hits is the switchblade, found most commonly on one of the side floors on floor 2 -.-. “I’ve beaten souls games before & blah blah…” Stop it, I have a hard time believing you understand the mechanics to demon’s souls let alone anything else. Pay to win? You do realize you could use kill coins to retrieve your character if you suck too badly to beat your own ass or have materials that you need to retrieve right? Or are you that focused on bashing a game that just kicked your ass? How cute! While you have real players over here trying to determine which bosses asses they wanna kick today on which path (pic included), you’re scared of normal enemies…this entire review is a travesty & toxic reviews like this make people skim past amazing titles like this just because of people that are as terrible as you.


    • Edward Charles Dreuitt

      by the way, I’ll do you a favor & show you what the outside world looks like since you’ll never make it there, oh, i almost forgot, i primarily play the game with NO ARMOR until I hear a jackal coming, challenge forcemen or deal with bosses, clothing breaks too easily & best saved for when you REALLY need defense…lmao stunlocked to death by enemies I’ve been one shotting with my fists since I was on 1🌟25, can’t believe this guy is serious.


  • flamingrubys

    How much did you fucking play lol like 5 minutes then died like a idiot at fucking coen not to mention the games pvp gives you at least 1 death metal for participating and hell they give out 1 day express passes like candy, like holy fuck you say you beat every souls game solo but i fucking doubt that you fag rule 63 pics or it never happened

  • Anjn “Ultima” Shan

    This article is one of the most ignorant and half-assed I have ever read. A lot of this conjecture is inaccurate or inherently just wrong. Like the part about “You can’t battle multiple opponents at once.”

    Excuse me, are you fucking dense? You can do that fairly easily, and you almost never get stunlocked, this point makes it clear the writer never even played the game.