The ABCs of RPGs

As promised from last week, this edition of the podcast was dedicated to the RPG genre, with Rob returning to the cast along with writer/designer Chris Gardiner.

DarkSouls (1)

For the cast, we talked a lot about the mechanics of RPGs, such as what elements distinguish a JRPG from a  Western RPG, are games that feature RPG mechanics also considered RPGs and more. We also talked about some of the more popular RPGs of recent years like Skyrim and Mass Effect. With the 40th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons, Rob and Chris had a discussion on the joys of Pen and Paper games. We then moved on to talking about our favorite RPGs.

For the main attraction, we talked about Demon’s and Dark Souls, what we liked, dislike and found amazing about this very unique series. And of course that meant that spoilers were allowed.