Looking Back at the Game Industry to Go Three Moves Ahead

This week on the cast, James and I spoke with a friend of mine: Co-owner of the Podcast Three Moves Ahead and Associate Developer at Paradox Interactive Troy Goodfellow.


This was the last cast that had the audio setting problem thankfully. We talked about recent history with the Game Industry and how things have changed so much from when Troy was a Game Journalist and reviewer. We shared our thoughts on the YouTube generation and what does YouTube mean for game criticism and examinations.

We also talked about the changing landscape of strategy games and what has happened to the genre. The strategy genre has really changed and we’re always looking for the next great RTS or unique TBS. While Troy wasn’t here in an official Paradox role, we did talk briefly about the company and how they have really grown over the years to be one of the premier strategy game companies.

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