Wrapping up 2015 on the Game-Wisdom Podcast

Role-playing survival game is willing to take risks

I know that 2015 is still around, but with Christmas and then New Year’s, this will be the last cast of 2015 and Ken and I are ending it with a look back at 2015.


First was some important information about the site and my current situation. I talked about what my new temp job means for the site and the Patreon campaign. It’s going to be a busy next few months, but I’m going to try and do everything.

After that, we moved onto talking about some of the big and interesting news pieces relating to the game industry for 2015. Ken brought up his brief time playing Blizzard’s next game Overwatch, which led to talking more about how Blizzard’s marketing strategy has shifted towards its branding these days. I talked more about my thoughts on Payday 2’s monetization backfire and Ken shared his thoughts on it from an outside point of view.

We then moved on to talking about the Fig Crowd-funding campaign for Psychonauts 2. Ken is very excited about it and we talked about how Fig differs from other crowd-funding platforms, such as the fact that you can invest into the game instead of just getting stretch goals.

The next topic was talking about game journalism before talking about some of the big problems with porting games to the PC and how titles like Mortal Kombat and Arkham Knight had trouble with horrible porting jobs. We then wrapped things up talking about what we’re most looking forward to in 2016.

This is going to be the last cast for 2015; there won’t be one for Christmas Day, but I’ll be starting 2016 off with a new cast on January 1st. There will still be posts between now and then, as I begin to countdown my top 10 of 2015.  If you enjoyed the cast, please consider donating to the Patreon campaign, as it would be huge to be able to get the monthly funding I need.